Friday, August 29, 2008

Tattoo Tempest

Some Utah pool patrons are upset about a tattoo.

Specifically, a tattoo depicting an angel with nude breasts, on the back of a woman.

Laura Call was visiting the pool about two weeks ago with her husband, 1-year-old daughter and another couple. She said she — and those with her — became concerned after seeing a detailed tattoo depicting a woman’s breasts on an individual’s back. Call said she complained to a lifeguard, but nothing was done.“With it being so graphic, especially at a public place, I don’t think it should be allowed,” she said.

Take note that this is the only complaint the city has received, but only one noisy moralist seems to be enough these days to make politicians consider passing restrictive laws and ordinances.

The director of the Parks and Recreation department says that the city is in a bit of a "pickle" over the incident and promises to "talk to other professionals in the state" before making a decision. Call wants the city to force people with "offensive" tattoos to cover up.

Most of the public responses to the news article are supportive of the woman with the tattoo. Stephen says:

" As a point of reference, topless female bathing is socialy acceptable on most European beaches. Advertisement in Europe display topless or even naked bodies, and naked sex is viewed on German and Italian television. If such practices are not within the realm of family ethics, one need only teach this to their children. Demanding that all of society conform to conservative morals is one of the things Americans point to as distasteful in some Middle Eastern cultures. "


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