Friday, August 29, 2008

Modern Tattoo Designs Reflect Computer and Web Consumer Choices

Tattoos, as a form of self-expression, are now taking the form of popular software, operating system and gaming logos.

Tattoos have served as a means of self-expression for centuries, reflecting a person's societal status, personal beliefs and passions.

In reaction to our modern technological era, consumers have turned to computer and web-based logos for tattoo designs, often as a visual statement of a person's choice in software, operating systems or code platforms.

Operating Systems

The debate between the wisdom of choosing Mac, Linux or Windows continues; with consumers using their bodies as a canvas to state their personal choice.

Apple Mac Logo

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A bold, clear statement that the owner of the tattoo is a Mac user and proud of it.

Linux Penguin Logo

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A cute image that has been used as a tattoo design by many Linux users, especially female users.

Microsoft Windows Logo

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A colorful and easily recognizable image that is gaining popularity among Windows users as a tattoo design.

Connected to the Web

Web-based logo designs are becoming chic choices for tattoo designs, with the colorful Google and stylish Firefox logos taking to the streets in the form of body art.


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Because Google knows everything. The colorful, clear lettering makes it an attractive design for a tattoo.


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Not only is the web browser a powerful and attractive piece of software, but the Firefox logo is also attractive and makes a stylish tattoo design.



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