Monday, July 14, 2008

Design Your Own Tattoos

Once you’ve decided it is time to get inked, the next step is to figure out what kind of tattoo you want and, possibly, design your own tattoo. While some people are happy with flash, that might not be right for you. When you want something unique – something that really reflects who and what you are – it might be time to learn how to create your own design.

Where To Start When You Want To Design Your Own Tattoos

Think about what it is you want your tattoo to do. Are you looking to commemorate an event? A death? A celebration? A person? Or is this just a tattoo for fun? (Yes, it’s okay to get a tattoo just because you want to!)

What images come to mind? Would a yellow rose with a name in the petals be the perfect memorial to a friend who died in a car crash? Maybe you just want their initials – but what type of lettering?

You don’t have to be an artist to design your own tattoos. All you need is an idea and the willingness to work with an artist.

Finding an Artist

Once you think you’ve found the basis to design your own tattoos, then you need to find an artist. The artist may or may not be a tattoo artist – many tattoo parlors are willing to use artwork you’ve brought in from another source, although you shouldn’t discount the talent of a good tattoo artist. Many are extremely talented and may even be able to freehand your ideal tattoo!

Finding an artist can be difficult, but you have a great tool at your disposal – tattoo galleries! There are any number of tattoo galleries on the Internet, and many of them are free to browse. A lot of galleries will organize art by topic, and most of them include information on the artist and tattoo parlor where the inking was done. Don’t be shy – if you find something that you like, talk to the artist or tattoo artist. They may have exactly what you’re looking for.

If you think you’re artistically inclined, feel free to try to design your own tattoos. Create a Tattoo is a website that lets you design your own tattoo online.



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