Monday, July 14, 2008

Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly TattoosOne of the most popular options for women’s body art is a butterfly tattoo. Butterflies are not only beautiful, but are very symbolic and enjoy a rich history across all human cultures.

History of Butterflies

Butterflies have enjoyed a rich historical significance for humans through time. In Greece, it was believed that a human soul was born each time a butterfly emerged from its cocoon. History of ButterfliesIn Ireland, butterflies are dead souls waiting to go into purgatory. In Asia, butterflies are symbols of joy and happiness. Many of the handpainted kimonos worn by geishas had butterflies on them.

Many Native American tribes had specific ideas about butterflies too. The Blackfoot tribe believe butterflies bring dreams, and the Zuni tribe feel that a white butterfly predicts the beginning of summer.

Butterflies and Symbolism

Many women choose butterflies for tattoos because of what they symbolize. In addition to their unquestionable beauty, they symbolize metamorphosis or change. As we all know, butterflies start out as ugly, fat, over-eating caterpillars, but over time, they change into beautiful creatures. In our society of anorexic super models, is it any surprise many women can relate to the change a caterpillar goes through?

Butterflies can also symbolize death and rebirth. Because of this, many women may choose a butterfly tattoo after going through a difficult time in their lives.

For many women, a butterfly is simply a beautiful way to show grace and peace. In addition, many women feel a butterfly tattoo lets others know they are a nature lover, perhaps concerned protecting the natural environment.

Moth Tattoos

Instead of a butterfly, some women opt for a softer tattoo—that of the moth. If one looks quickly at a moth, they appear bland and colorless, but moths are very beautiful and full of subtle shapes and coloring. The colors in moths tend to be grays, browns and blues, although some moths have bright spots of color on the wings. Some moths even have bright colors beneath their wings.

The use of a moth design can also be symbolic. In mythology moths are destroyed by fire, and almost everyone has seen a moth get drawn in by a bright light. In some cultures, moths are seen as death omens, which many explain why their colorful counterparts are more popular as tattoos.


Tattoo Idea

Tattoo Idea

Hello everybody and welcome to my tattoo idea blog.

The idea behind this blog is to get deeper into the concept of the tattoo idea and to relate it to the personal views of the tattoo artist.

However for starters (although this is not at all meant to give you any unhealthy tattoo ideas; I won't say "kids, don't try this at home", but, as any professional and beginning tattoo artist must know, be extremely careful): the making of your own tattoo gun!

Personally I consider this idea I found on the Internet rather funny, but at the same time also interesting:

Things you'll need:

- bic pen (this is your tube that houses the needle)
- 4 or 5" section of guitar string ,second one from the smallest. ( this is your needle)
- tooth brush ( this gets bent like a "7" and joins the pen to the motor)
- an eraser from a pencil (this joins the shaft of the motor to the needle/guitar string)
- small battery operated motor (from a "walkman" or a hand held fan)
- some tape (to join everything together)

Putting the pieces together:

- Take the guitar string and bend a little bit of the end down or up.
- Take out the ink tube of the pen, and cut it to about a 3 or 4" length, now file down the brass tip of the pen to get the ball out, make the hole big enough to allow passage of the needle.
- Insert the needle into the pen.
- Now take the tooth brush and cut off the bristles making it about 4" long.
-Heat it up in the middle with a lighter and bend it in to a "7" and hold in place untill stiff.
- Join/tape the pen needle assembly to the tooth brush.
- Now take the eraser from the pencil and shove it onto the shaft of the motor, try to get it as dead center as possible.
-Join the pen/needle/tooth brush to the motor/eraser assembly, tape the brush to the motor.
- Take the bent part of the needle/guitar stirng and stick it into the eraser, IMPORTANT- the needle must be purposely OFF CENTER.
- Now all that is left to do is find a power source, I used the plug-in adapter frrom a cd player. I guess you could hook up some batteries to a switch and then to the contacts of the motor. You can use the Ink from the pen for the tattoo.

So this is it for now, I hope this article was entertaining. See ya!

Also, please check out my tattoo art , tattoo artist , tribal tattoo and tattoo design blogs.


Tattoo art galore with thousands of tattoo design ideas

Maybe you've all experienced that magnificent feeling of just having drawn your own tattoo design. You look at what you've put on paper and there it is: the very first tattoo design having crawled out of your own hand. Proud as one can be, you show it to your friends, and maybe, in a split second of supreme glory (or insanity, whichever you like to call it), you toy with the idea of having it tattooed on your own body.

However, one of your friends makes some remark about your self-created tattoo, which you'd rather not hear: it lacks symmetry, the lines are crooked, or your tattoo idea isn't any original at all. And there you have it: you feel your pride melting like snow in the sun.

A couple of days ago I came across a site on the internet focused on tattoos. Just click here to see what I mean.

So, as I was reading the information on this site, I realised it could be of much assistance to my personal tattoo art.

First it offered to "browse through thousands of beautiful categorized tattoo designs"; interesting when you're in need of inspiration, I thought.

But what interested me even more, was that you can be a "publishing" tattoo design artist; put your own tattoo ideas on the website and let others check out your creation(s), get their opinions about your works of art, share your opinion with them about what you think of their designs,...

Furthermore, it was also interesting to see that you can also browse thousands of professional and sometimes very popular tattoos to find one you'd like to have inked on your body. The option to have a professional outprint, ready to hand over to the local tattoo artist to do the work, is a nice extra.


Free Tattoo Makers

Tattoos are very popular today with the celebrities flashing theirs and the media loves it too. Here are a few free tattoo makers where you can make tattoo with someone's name or something funny and interesting. You can send them to someone, and make(or spoil!) their day! So, send a tattoo today to someone you know. Its fun anyway!!

And its all for free.

You can design your own tattoo here and these tattoo supplies will make you crave for more!. Believe me, you don't even feel any pain!! The best thing about this is you can even print this tattoos and it never require you to go for any expensive laser tattoo remover or other tattoo removal methods.

Enjoy and All The Best!


Design Your Own Tattoos

Once you’ve decided it is time to get inked, the next step is to figure out what kind of tattoo you want and, possibly, design your own tattoo. While some people are happy with flash, that might not be right for you. When you want something unique – something that really reflects who and what you are – it might be time to learn how to create your own design.

Where To Start When You Want To Design Your Own Tattoos

Think about what it is you want your tattoo to do. Are you looking to commemorate an event? A death? A celebration? A person? Or is this just a tattoo for fun? (Yes, it’s okay to get a tattoo just because you want to!)

What images come to mind? Would a yellow rose with a name in the petals be the perfect memorial to a friend who died in a car crash? Maybe you just want their initials – but what type of lettering?

You don’t have to be an artist to design your own tattoos. All you need is an idea and the willingness to work with an artist.

Finding an Artist

Once you think you’ve found the basis to design your own tattoos, then you need to find an artist. The artist may or may not be a tattoo artist – many tattoo parlors are willing to use artwork you’ve brought in from another source, although you shouldn’t discount the talent of a good tattoo artist. Many are extremely talented and may even be able to freehand your ideal tattoo!

Finding an artist can be difficult, but you have a great tool at your disposal – tattoo galleries! There are any number of tattoo galleries on the Internet, and many of them are free to browse. A lot of galleries will organize art by topic, and most of them include information on the artist and tattoo parlor where the inking was done. Don’t be shy – if you find something that you like, talk to the artist or tattoo artist. They may have exactly what you’re looking for.

If you think you’re artistically inclined, feel free to try to design your own tattoos. Create a Tattoo is a website that lets you design your own tattoo online.
